Monday, 29 April 2019

Version 19.04.00. Whaaattt? That's a big jump from the previous version 3.5.0!

The previous version naming system worked best for software that had a major release once a year. Development of Imaculum is on-going in a granular way, so the new version name system works better for iteratively updated software. This version (19.04.00) has been released in April 2019:

19 = 2019
04 = April
00 = First release of the month (01 at the end would mean an update to that month's release, 02 a second update, etc.)

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Imaculum adds personalised watermark overlay and premium pricing features

We’re thrilled today to announce significant new updates to Imaculum. Following much appreciated feedback from users, we’ve added personalised watermark overlay and premium pricing features to better enable event photographers to offer bespoke branding to imagery and increase revenues.

Personalised Watermark Overlay

For many event photographers, theft of images from their Viewing Screens by customer smartphone cameras is a serious problem. A branded watermark over the images displayed in the Viewing Station strongly helps deter people from stealing your work.

Users can create a bespoke or branded watermark in Photoshop and upload it to the system to automatically overlay over all images shown in the Viewing Station.

Premium Pricing

Event photography covers a wide variety of sectors, audiences and needs; and photographers need to be able to capitalise on that.

For example, a photographer at a black tie event might want to offer a variety of products at different price points to capture different levels of enthusiasm from customers. Using Imaculum's Premium Pricing feature, arrival photos taken as people enter the event venue can now have a regular price associated with them and portraits taken at your studio set-up have a premium price associated with them.

Our new Premium Pricing function allows a photographer to quickly and easily assign different prices to products; with the Viewing Station automatically displaying the correct price to your customers.

Your premium products can now generate you additional revenue from your images.

What else is new?

Experienced users of Imaculum may notice a number of little tweaks and refinements. We've re-worded several of the on-screen messages to make them easier for your customers to read, we've improved support for additional currency symbols, and on-going work to improve the overall performance and stability of the platform.

Existing users can download and update to this latest version of Imaculum by logging in to your account.

And for those of you who aren't already using Imaculum, you can sign up for a free trial here.


